Swift 3 support is now complete!
Just one last quick note that Swift 3 support for OpenEars and all of its plugins is complete: you can now use a Swift 3 sample app found in the main distribution, or use custom Swift 3 tutorials for OpenEars or any of its plugins, and as of today, the downloadable and online documentation for OpenEars and all plugins also has the Swift 3 versions of all function calls included, so when you navigate to the Documentation folder in your OpenEars distribution or plugin and double-click the webloc file there, the fresh docs will be downloaded for you, or you can read them on the pages on this site.
Some of the extended usage examples in the documentation files are in Objective-C due to my having some lingering questions about how to handle the doubled-up example code visually, so please visit the tutorial tool in order to receive the same information in Swift 3 only. Please feel free to seek Swift 3 support for OpenEars in the forums, and I look forward to seeing what is made in Swift!
Thanks for your patience,