I think that the main issue you’re encountering is that the demo version of Rejecto doesn’t write out a file – it can only be used to dynamically generate models.
I get the model files saved to my app Cache folder, that means I’m not using the demo version right? If I use them in different app sessions (application runs) I always get the rejected phonemes as hypothesis in the OEEventsObserver
The algorithm I’m using the get the model paths needed to call startRealtimeListeningWithLanguageModelAtPath
- Call
for each path needed (model and dictionary in my case)
- If I get a paths to existing files I use those to call
- If I don’t get a valid path I use
and start over
That make sense?
To briefly clarify, in order to not have Rejecto phonemes returned, it is necessary to use Rejecto to dynamically generate your models at runtime…
That means that if I don’t want to receive rejected phonemes I need to always generate the language model? That is what we are using so far and works well, my intention is avoid generate the model files each time I start listening mostly because the input parameters never change.