Bluetooth Audio Quality / Stop Listen Option

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  • #1025360

    What would be the best way to give a user the option to disable the speech recognition for better audio playback via bluetooth headsets?

    I have confirmed that if I bypass the StartListening the bluetooth audio is best. I have created a segmented switch, which will toggle this, but I’m not exactly sure the best way (in 2.0) to officially stop the listen loop and restore higher quality audio?

    Sorry, this seems like such a simple fix, but it’s been a while and I’m rusty with openears.

    Halle Winkler

    I think stopListening is fine for this.


    Okay thanks. Yeah, it turns out that my issues are more in regards to gracefully handling interruptions to audio playback. Apparently if the bluetooth re-dials and launches into a phone call, when it returns to my App the audio playback stops working. Probably not an OpenEars thing at all, but thanks for the hasty reply… and the new version of the speech recognition is great.

    Halle Winkler

    Ah, yes someone else reported this, but I don’t think it is possible for me to fix since it seems to happen as a result of one of the two interruption notifications that are the responsibility of the system not firing. Thank you for the followup.

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