Ang update in this issue? same thing happend here.
The framework works perfect on my test demo and one of my APPS say App A, but after installed in my App B, it cause crash after launch.
I thought there may be conflict between the framwork i used in project or some project setting issue? so i try flowing steps:
1、 removed some suspicious frameworks in project
2、 removed refrence of openears framework, and re-installed again.
3、 re-installed the framworks which i removed in step 1.
then crash disapeear magically, dynamic language model generation success.
I actually donnt know what happend, after checking wiht my git record, the only things change is the possion of those framworks, but crash just disappear.
I thought issue was solved for now, but after more test on my App, another framework i used initialize failed after i installed Openears framwork.
So basically, that’s what happend in my situation, no idea what is the real reason for this. any one can give any hint about this?
Thank you.
(I post the crush log the openears print bellow)
2023-09-21 13:59:03.098729+0800 XiaoWuStoryPhone[70195:4600818] Starting OpenEars logging for OpenEars version 2.509 on 64-bit device (or build): iPhone running iOS version: 13.600000
2023-09-21 13:59:03.102015+0800 XiaoWuStoryPhone[70195:4600818] Starting dynamic language model generation
2023-09-21 14:01:42.665183+0800 XiaoWuStoryPhone[13224:2290528] Starting OpenEars logging for OpenEars version 2.509 on 64-bit device (or build): iPhone running iOS version: 16.100000
2023-09-21 14:01:42.667237+0800 XiaoWuStoryPhone[13224:2290528] Starting dynamic language model generation