Hi Again!
So in my project I am now trying to duck out background music (or whatever the user is currently playing) when flite speaks, and then bring the music back to normal volume when flite is done speaking. I am able to bring the volume down, but I am not able to get the volume back up. I think this has to do with the timing of the program and how long flite is speaking for. When I tried inputting a loop to stop the code until self.fliteController.speechInProgress is false, it is logged that the flite controller never enters the “finishPlaying” method. On the other hand, when I don’t have this loop and just log once flite has entered its “finishPlaying” method, it logs that it has entered it. Do you have any suggestions? I need to be able to know once flite is done, and then do something when its finished.
Thank you in advance!