Possibilities of OpenEars

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  • #1032712

    Hi Halle,

    First of all: thank you for your work!

    I have three questions with regards to the functionality of OpenEars/RapidEars:
    1) Is it possible to have a Siri-like function WITHIN an app, i.e. when the app is open and the users says “Alexa I am tired please stop the lesson” (just an example, I’m not an Amazon developer ;-)), can the app then act on that, i.e. close the lesson and takes the user back to the in-app home screen.
    2) Is it possible to have a voice-output with OpenEars or any of the add-ons, based on the speech recognition (i.e. the user says “Alexa I am tired please stop the lesson” and the app answers with “Okay”)
    3) Is the support for future Swift versions discontinued?

    Thank you very much in advance.

    Kind regards,

    Halle Winkler

    Welcome Cupcaker,

    1) Can you elaborate more on this? Functionality within an app is the main purpose of the framework so I think I’m not yet following the specific question.

    2) Yes, there is TTS in OpenEars and with the NeatSpeech plugin, but I would recommend first using the native Apple TTS API and seeing if it covers your requirements.

    3) No, are you seeing an incompatibility with a Swift version?

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