Hi Halle,
First of all: thank you for your work!
I have three questions with regards to the functionality of OpenEars/RapidEars:
1) Is it possible to have a Siri-like function WITHIN an app, i.e. when the app is open and the users says “Alexa I am tired please stop the lesson” (just an example, I’m not an Amazon developer ;-)), can the app then act on that, i.e. close the lesson and takes the user back to the in-app home screen.
2) Is it possible to have a voice-output with OpenEars or any of the add-ons, based on the speech recognition (i.e. the user says “Alexa I am tired please stop the lesson” and the app answers with “Okay”)
3) Is the support for future Swift versions discontinued?
Thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards,