Slt to speaker via bluetooth car audio

Home Forums OpenEars Slt to speaker via bluetooth car audio


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    My app listens and speaks using OpenEars and Slt. I would like to OpenEars to listen and speak via the car bluetooth audio if it is connected to the phone. If the phone is not connected to the car bluetooth audio, I would like to OpenEars to listen and speak via the built in mic and speaker on the phone.

    Is there any method or parameter that I can configure to achieve this? Thanks.

    Halle Winkler

    It the bluetooth is compatible with 3rd-party apps it should switch to it automatically.


    My tests show that the Slt goes to the car audio if it was set to speak via the phone earpiece and the phone is connected to car bluetooth. The Slt doesn’t go to the car audio if it was set to speak via the phone’s loud speaker.

    I have another framework in my app which has a delegate method to set the loud speaker status.

    Halle Winkler

    If you feel up to making changes to OpenEars.framework, you can remove the option AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker from setAllAudioSessionSettings of OEContinuousAudioUnit.m and rebuild.

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