I think this is a probably very common usage for OpenEars as dictionary size is very limited.
I did all the code according tutorial and I found that app tries to recognise my speech using only words from the dictionary. So if I have 3 words in dictionary anything I say will be chosen from this dictionary.
Is it right?
If yes – I completely didn’t get what supposed recognitionScore in pocketsphinxDidReceiveHypothesis:recognitionScore:utteranceID: mean. It just assign random values. If I say actual word from the dictionary it can be -4000, or -2000 or 0. If I say word not in dictionary hypothesis is still word from the dictionary and recognitionScore can be even closer to zero than actual word…
Am I right that for my case (I need to recognise 3-5 commands, single words) I must include Rejecto?
Is there any way to improve recognition of reject (at least make it stricter, I’m ok if it won’t recognise correct word but I don’t need false triggering).