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  • in reply to: Improve rapidears accuracy for specific words #1030756

    I set the secondsOfSilenceToDetect to 0.3 and vadThreshold 2.0 it help a lot. But still there is a problem when i speak to my app and then someone beside me talk each other, the recognition process took longer time and interfered by their voice. Is there a way to eliminate this possibilities and make rapidears detect my words better ?


    Oh my god, I was not aware of that. Big thank you halle. Now it work. :)


    Hi, i have some problem in swift. I can make rapidears work but when i use setReturnSegments(true) the rapidEarsDidDetectLiveSpeechAsWordArray never called. this is how i set it in swift

    var rapidEventsObserver = OEEventsObserver()
    func loadOpenEars() {
    rapidEventsObserver = OEEventsObserver()
    self.rapidEventsObserver.delegate = self

    func startListening() {
    do {
    try OEPocketsphinxController.sharedInstance().setReturnSegments(true)
    try OEPocketsphinxController.sharedInstance().setReturnSegmentTimes(true)
    try OEPocketsphinxController.sharedInstance().returnNbest = false
    try OEPocketsphinxController.sharedInstance().setRapidEarsReturnNBest(false)
    try OEPocketsphinxController.sharedInstance().setActive(true)
    try OEPocketsphinxController.sharedInstance().setFinalizeHypothesis(false)
    catch {

    OEPocketsphinxController.sharedInstance().startRealtimeListeningWithLanguageModelAtPath(lmPath, dictionaryAtPath: dicPath, acousticModelAtPath: OEAcousticModel.pathToModel(“AcousticModelEnglish”))

    func rapidEarsDidDetectLiveSpeechAsWordArray(words: [AnyObject]!, andScoreArray scores: [AnyObject]!) {
    print(“delegate accessed”)

    func rapidEarsDidDetectFinishedSpeechAsWordArray(words: [AnyObject]!, andScoreArray scores: [AnyObject]!) {
    print(“delegate accessed”)
    /**The engine has detected in-progress speech. Words and respective scores and timing are delivered in separate arrays with corresponding indexes.*/

    func rapidEarsDidDetectLiveSpeechAsWordArray(words: [AnyObject]!, scoreArray scores: [AnyObject]!, startTimeArray startTimes: [AnyObject]!, endTimeArray endTimes: [AnyObject]!) {
    print(“delegate accessed”)

    but none of them being called by rapidears. have I missed something ?

    Thank you Halle

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