Hi Halle,
I would like to change the volume. So i have created a UISlider call volumeSlider and i have add a line of code to
– (void) updateLevelsUI { // And here is how we obtain the levels. This method includes the actual OpenEars methods and uses their results to update the UI of this view controller.
[fliteController.audioPlayer setVolume:volumeSlider.value];
self.pocketsphinxDbLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@”Pocketsphinx Input level:%f”,[self.pocketsphinxController pocketsphinxInputLevel]]; //pocketsphinxInputLevel is an OpenEars method of the class PocketsphinxController.
if(self.fliteController.speechInProgress == TRUE) {
self.fliteDbLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@”Flite Output level: %f”,[self.fliteController fliteOutputLevel]]; // fliteOutputLevel is an OpenEars method of the class FliteController.
The volume did change accordiongly to the slider but instead of pronouncing the 1st hypothesis, it repeats the “Welcome to OpenEars” statement. After that it did pronounce the 2nd hypothesis. What could be wrong?