Hi Hello,
Thank you for your previous answers that give us a lot important informations which are really help in solving our issues.
Now, we have some problems in Chinese recognition.
In my own test-use phone, Chinese recognition works well, but when we test more Iphones, we didn’t get expected recognition rate( especially for iphone 7).
Like in my test phone, Openears recognize fast and accurate, in other test phones, situations are different. sometimes it recognize the word accurate but with a long delay(like 2 or 3 seconds), sometimes it works well at first, but get low recognition rate later, sometimes it just didn’t react to voice command.
Since it works well in my own phone( also English version works well with same logic), i dont think it is the logic problem of my code.
So do you have any idea for this? or any hint and directions i may need to do the research on to solve this issue?
Thank you,