Error building sample app

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    Please forgive my ignorance, but I’m unable to build the OpenEars sample app. I downloaded the sample app, added the Framework folder as instructed, and when I build, I get this error:

    Multiple commands produce ‘/Users/anton/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/OpenEarsSampleAppSwift-hclyatgrzgnqatgrkhyqjkkfmymg/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/’:
    1) Target ‘OpenEarsSampleAppSwift’ (project ‘OpenEarsSampleAppSwift’) has copy command from ‘/Users/anton/Developer/Framework/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle’ to ‘/Users/anton/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/OpenEarsSampleAppSwift-hclyatgrzgnqatgrkhyqjkkfmymg/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/’
    2) Target ‘OpenEarsSampleAppSwift’ (project ‘OpenEarsSampleAppSwift’) has copy command from ‘/Users/anton/Developer/OpenEarsSampleAppSwift/Framework/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle’ to ‘/Users/anton/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/OpenEarsSampleAppSwift-hclyatgrzgnqatgrkhyqjkkfmymg/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/’

    I’m using Xcode 11.3.1 running under MacOS 10.15.3.

    Any suggestions?


    Halle Winkler

    Welcome Anton,

    You don’t need to add the framework to the sample app – it will build right out of the box after you change the app ID to use your developer account. I recommend getting rid of this modified distribution version and downloading fresh one to try this out.


    Thank you for the response, Halie! I’m very excited to check out OpenEars!

    And I see what happened. I actually started by doing exactly what you said – using the OpenEarsSampleAppSwift project and just modifying the Team and the Bundle ID. But it gave me “‘OpenEars/OEPocketsphinxController.h’ file not found” so I added the Framework to fix that.

    I see now that I needed to copy the entire OpenEarsDistribution, not just the OpenEarsSampleAppSwift folder. When I do that it compiles – so I’m going to play with it right now! Thank you!!


    Halle Winkler

    Super, happy to hear that worked for you.

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