Is it possible to use an acoustic model outside the main bundle

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    is it possible to use an acoustic model outside the main bundle in iOS?
    I would be able to download the acoustic model remotely and save it in a folder, to decrease the app size.



    Halle Winkler


    This should work fine if you are up for doing the troubleshooting, but there is no API for it – it would be necessary to stop using the convenience path methods in OEAcousticModel and instead pass the real path to your model’s top-level directory. This is an advanced topic and gets a bit beyond the scope of support given, but I would recommend experimenting with passing the path to the model to the various methods that ask for it, and I think you’ll be able to get it working.


    @Daniele, on OpenEars 2.041, I am successfully using OpenEars outside the mainBundle:

    self.accousticModel = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:self.class] pathForResource:@”MyAcousticModel” ofType:@”bundle”];
    [sphinxController runRecognitionOnWavFileAtPath:self.wavFilePath usingLanguageModelAtPath:self.languageModelPath dictionaryAtPath:self.dictionaryPath acousticModelAtPath:self.accousticModel languageModelIsJSGF:YES];

    But I had trouble with version 2.502, as there are more restrictions than before at using custom models.

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